Sunday, September 25, 2011

Faithful Families Resources September 25 2011

Weekly Inspiration
If I had my child to raise all over again,
I’d build self-esteem first, and the house later.
I’d finger-paint more, and point the finger less.
I would do less correcting and more connecting.
I’d take my eyes off my watch, and watch with my eyes.
I’d take more hikes and fly more kites.
I’d stop playing serious, and seriously play.
I would run through more fields and gaze at more stars.
I'd do more hugging and less tugging.
- Diane Loomans, from ‘If I had my child to raise over again.”

Family Closeness
Paper Strips
Give everyone in your family a sheet of newspaper and tell them to  tear it into as long a strip as possible. For a greater challenge turn off the lights

  • Have you ever worn something in public that embarrassed your parents?
  • What was it?
  • Where was it?
  • What did your parents do or say?
  • What happened?

With your family read: Matthew 21.33-42
 Questions for Discussion:
  • Which character is like God in this parable? Which character is like Jesus? Which character is like people?
  • Did the tenants have any right to the vineyard?
  • Why did they attack the slaves and the son?
  • What is Jesus trying to teach us with this parable?
Journey through the Bible
Journey through the Bible will provide five readings each week you can use in order to get a good overview of the full sweep of the story of God and His people. There are a variety of ways you might use these readings. As a parent you might read them to get a better understanding of how the divine drama unfolds. You could read them to your children and discuss them. Some are longer than others and might need to be broken up.

Genesis 32.1-21          Jacob returns home
Genesis 32.22-32        Jacob wrestles with God
Genesis 33.1-11          Jacob and Esau reconcile
Genesis 37.1-11          Joseph’s dreams
Genesis 37.12-36        Joseph sold by his brothers

Prayer and Celebration
Passing of the Cross
Use a small wooden cross or even a metal one on a chain. In a circle the cross is taken up. Who ever holds the cross is the person who prays.  This prayer begins with one person who either says a prayer out loud or silently says or imagines a prayer. The cross is passed when the person who holds it is finished.  Each person takes their turn. 
Prompts may be given by the someone as the cross is passed.
 Eg. See…a friend in need, a hurt that needs healing…etc.
Pray one sentence…prompt:  thank you God for

Bonus Family Activity
Fast Progressive Dinner
As a fun different meal idea take your family on a fast food progressive dinner. Start at one fast food place for entrĂ©e…maybe fries, move to another for main course and then on to another for dessert. To make it even more unusual don't decide where you will go..put the names of all the fast food places you know into a hat and draw them out as you go along.

(This material is based on and draws from earlier Faithful Families emails by Stephen Harrison & Richard Browning: An Unless Ideas Production.) Unless otherwise noted all material on this blog is copyright Stephen Harrison and Richard Browning

1 comment:

  1. Loved this week - lots of great ideas!
    I particularly loved the use of Genesis 32. There is a lot to be said for God's ability to restore families (even when there is huge conflict) and at the same time restore his people to him. I note that before Esau and Jacob could kiss and make up Jacob had to wrestle with God, but I would prefer to sort it out with my family before having to face my God.
