father should remember that one day his son will follow his example instead of
his advice.
Family Closeness
Finger grab
A simple but fun game to play in pairs or
more. Face your partner and both perform the following actions on the count.
(It is better if someone else counts out loud for you)
1. Place your left hand out flat with the
palm up.
2. Point the index finger of your right hand
out, sticking in the air.
3. Place your index finger of your right
hand, pointing down, into the palm of your partners left hand.
4. As you try to pull your finger up and away
the other person has to try and grab it, while at the same time they are
pulling their finger out of your palm and trying to grab your finger.
Questions for
stimulating discussion in your family.
- Are you more like a cat or a dog? Why?
- What do you think the best thing about being an adult or child is?
- Would you rather never play or never win?
With your family read: Mark 8.27-30
for Discussion:
What two questions
does Jesus ask his disciples in this reading?
Why do you think
he asked this?
What answer does
Peter give for himself? What does Jesus say to him?
Why do you think
Jesus told Peter not to tell anyone?
Prayer and Celebration
We are in the season on Lent, the forty days
preceding Easter Day. This is traditionally a time of repentance (saying sorry
and turning from sin). The resources for prayer and celebration for the next
five weeks will focus on ways your family might “celebrate” well this season.
Lent is a good time to focus on God’s care and
provision and on our dependence on him, but also on saying sorry
Lent is a season of remembering to say sorry to God for missing the mark.
While Lent is a time of repentance and penitence it does not have to be a
morbid time as we also look forward to the Resurrection of Jesus at Easter. Why
not use some symbols to help your family get a feel for the Season of Lent.
Some of the following things could be used during your family prayer time or
mealtime ritual to mark the season.
Smell: Rosemary.
Taste: Salt.
Colour: Purple.
Feel: Hessian
Sound: “I’m sorry”
This is a possible prayer to use during this season at the
meal table or other times.
God calls us to say sorry for wrong doing.
God calls us to remember that he made us.
God calls us to remember his promises.
God calls us to live a new way,
not by might,
not by power,
but by faith…
How will we live by faith:
The cross?
We will take it.
We will take it.
The bread?
We will break it.
We will break it.
The pain?
We will bear it.
We will bear it.
The joy?
We will share it.
We will share it.
The Gospel?
We will live it.
We will live it.
The love?
We will give it.
We will give it.
The light?
We will cherish it.
We will cherish it.
Rainbow Wall
This Lent begins with the story of the flood. The rainbow is an enduring
symbol of God’s promise. Why not make the rainbow your symbol for Lent, remembering the promise of God.
Create a rainbow on a wall at home adding a new colour each week.
Week 1: Purple -remember
God forgiveness
Week 2: Blue
- remember God healing love
Week 3. Green
- remember Gods creation
Week 4. Yellow - remember Gods promises
Week 5 Orange re-member Gods presence in time of temptation.
Week 6. Red - remember God
son Jesus, died on cross rose again
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