Sunday, November 8, 2015

Faithful Families Resources November 8 2015

Acting is just a way of making a living; the family is life.
- Denzel Washington

Family Closeness
Table Olympics – Part 4
Egg and Spoon Relay Race
Boil an egg (or not if you enjoy a mess) and pass it around the table from teaspoon to teaspoon. The main rule is no extra hands are allowed to touch the egg or spoon and you must stay seated.  Time your family and see how fast you can go. Try to beat your record. To add some difficulty and time have family members go around the table and back to their place before passing on the egg to the next person who does a lap of the table.

Questions for stimulating discussion in your family. 
  • What is something you are looking forward to?
  • What is your favourite thing to daydream about?
  • If you had three wishes what would you use them on?

With your family read Mark 13.1-8

Questions for Discussion:
  • What was it that impressed the disciples about the temple?
  • Why do you think they were interested in Jesus comments?
  • What do you think Jesus is trying to tell the disciples?

Prayer and Celebration
Prayer Wall
Create a permanent prayer wall in your home. Select a suitable space and use it to place all the things connected with your families prayer life on it. Make a nice banner for your prayer wall and decorate it. Put post it note prayers on it, or prayers drawn by your family. Stick photos of family members or friends on it to remember to pray for them. Stick newspaper articles of issues you want to pray for. Make sure you clean it up with your family once a week so you have more room to post stuff.

Family Time
Family Book Club

Start picking a book that everyone in your family can read. The book might be read individually for maybe time could be set aside for the whole family to hear the book together. Some great books to read might include those of Dr Suess (short) or Roald Dahl (long). Both these selections probably date me and there are probably lots of newer books that are equally great. As you read together discuss the story and characters, the challenges they face and the values they express.

(This material is based on and draws from earlier Faithful Families emails by Stephen Harrison and Richard Browning: An Unless Ideas Production.) Unless otherwise noted all material on this blog is copyright Stephen Harrison and Richard Browning

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